
The Future of Work is Here: Introducing ZenAdmin Employee Management Platform

Welcome to the future of work! We’ve come a long way from the days of traditional offices and in-person meetings. With technology playing an increasingly crucial role in this evolution, it’s clear that the future of work is here. But what does that future look like? According to industry experts, the global workforce will continue to be more mobile and diverse than ever, and businesses will need innovative solutions to effectively manage this shift.

As we know, one of the upsides of this shift is the ability to hire the best talent from anywhere in the world. This has led to a rise in the gig economy and provided opportunities for both employers and employees. However, it’s not without its challenges. Equipping a global workforce with the right tools and managing their payroll can be a daunting task. And with increased manual work for HR and IT teams, the operations can become overwhelming.

So, how can leaders combat these challenges? Enter employee management tools/platforms. According to a recent report, the global workforce management market is expected to reach $9.3 billion by 2025, demonstrating the growing need for these types of solutions.

But what exactly is an employee management tool? Simply put, it’s a platform that helps businesses manage and streamline their employee-related processes, from onboarding to payroll to offboarding. These tools come with a variety of features, such as:

  • Automated workflows to reduce manual work and improve efficiency
  • Access to global payroll and benefits administration
  • Mobile device management for a secure and connected workforce
  • Leave and attendance tracking for accurate time management
  • Workspace provisioning for a smooth onboarding experience

Using a workforce management tool can offer a wide range of benefits, including increased productivity, improved compliance, and reduced costs. Plus, it makes life easier for both employees and HR and IT departments alike.

I. What is ZenAdmin Employee Management Platform?

Simply put, ZenAdmin is the one-stop solution for all our HR and IT related needs. It is an end-to-end employee lifecycle management platform specifically made to help organisations manage everything from onboarding, procurement, devices, payroll, leave and attendance to employee offboarding. While there are multiple technologies out there to take care of these things individually, isn’t it always better to have a single unified platform for everything?

Let’s take a deep dive into the ZenAdmin platform:

1. Onboarding: How long should an ideal onboarding process last? One month or 3 months, setting up devices and accesses shouldn’t take more than 15 minutes! We will help you provide your new hires with everything they need to be super-productive and happy from day one, no matter where they are.

Onboarding module of the Hybr1d Employee Management Platform

Check the modules in this solution:

  • Employee Data Hub: This helps you organise, manage and update all the employee data in one place – complete visibility and access to your workforce data. 
  • Device Procurement: Want to send a ready-to-use device to a new hire from another country? No worries! ZenAdmin’s device procurement solution helps you purchase, set up and ship devices to your new hires, wherever they are. 
  • Workspace Provisioning: Remotely install and configure the apps and software like Slack, and Google Workspace on the employee’s devices and make sure that they have all the resources they need and that you have the devices secure. 
  • Workflow Automator: This allows you to customise the routine HR and IT processes for better efficiency and lesser human interference. The highlight is, anybody from your HR or the IT team can build the workflows with a few clicks. No codes are needed!

2. Life Cycle Management: With this solution, managing your global workforce is much easier now. Streamline and automate HR and IT processes at every touch point.

Employee Life Cycle module of the Hybr1d Employee Management Platform

  • Mobile Device Management: Manage all the employee devices from a centralised platform and keep them updated and secure.
  • Inventory Management: View the details, status and health of all your devices on a single comprehensive dashboard.
  • IT Support: With 24X7 It support, you can remove any work interruptions that might happen because of system/software issues, device incompatibilities, technical queries etc.
  • Attendance & Leave: Why bother sending emails and messages when you can manage leaves, track employee attendance patterns, and integrate with workspace tools on a single platform? Managing leaves is now easy for your HR teams, and much easier for your employees! 
  • Reporting & Analytics: Get complete visibility into your workforce with the help of ZenAdmin’s smart Reporting and Analytics module and make data-driven decisions. The comprehensive dashboard allows you to see the organisational trends about turnover, headcount, salary, tenure, time offs etc. instantly, and generate reports easily.

3. Offboarding: With ZenAdmin you can trigger a surge of HR and IT actions, automating every step of your employee offboarding process.

Offboarding module of Hybr1d's Employee Management Platform

  • Profile Disablement: Delete profiles and remove access from all the company accounts within a few clicks. 
  • Global Device Recovery: Retrieve devices from anywhere in the world with zero-minimal manual work, store them in the ZenAdmin warehouse and reassign the devices to the new hires without wasting any time!
  • Secure Data: Back up and secure company data from all devices. ZenAdmin also allows you to wipe out data from all devices (personal ones such as mobile phones as well).

In essence, we have everything you need to manage a global workforce effectively!

II. How Does it Help You?

Benefits of Hybr1d employee management tool

  1. Faster & Better Onboarding: With ZenAdmin, organisations can onboard global employees within 5 minutes, reducing the time and resources required for manual onboarding processes. This can help reduce onboarding costs and improve employee productivity. 
  2. Reduced Procurement Costs by 50% & Improved Device Management: ZenAdmin can help organisations securely ship and distribute ready-to-use devices to new employees worldwide. This can improve device standardisation and reduce the time and resources required for IT support.
  3. Unified HR and IT Processes: By managing all HR and IT processes on a single unified system, ZenAdmin can help organisations streamline workflows, reduce administrative overhead, and improve data accuracy.
  4. Increased Productivity: ZenAdmin’s workflow automation capabilities can help organisations build hyper-growth processes, such as automated approvals and notifications, which can reduce manual intervention and improve process efficiency. Companies that automate their HR processes have a 16% increase in productivity compared to those that do not (Aberdeen Group).
  5. Enhanced & Data-driven Decision-making: HR software can provide real-time data and insights, leading to better decision-making. Companies that use data analytics to make HR decisions are 5.8 times more likely to make faster decisions (Aberdeen Group).
  6. Improved Employee Uptime: With 24×7 IT support, ZenAdmin can help organisations maximise employee uptime and reduce downtime due to technical issues. This can improve employee productivity and reduce the risk of missed deadlines or customer SLAs.
  7. Improved Offboarding: ZenAdmin can help organisations offboard employees, retrieve devices, and secure data, reducing the risk of data breaches and ensuring compliance with data privacy regulations. This can reduce legal and reputation risks for the organisation.

III. Why is ZenAdmin the Right Employee Management Platform for Your Organisation?

  1. Affordable, yet premium
  2. Simple, but effective
  3. A single platform, all the touch points
  4. Easy integration with other platforms
  5. Self-service platforms
  6. ZenAdmin scales as your organisation scales

In this agile and modern business space, we do not want you to miss out on anything. That’s why we say, “When in Rome…”. Analyse your needs and strategically choose the right platform that caters to your requirements.

So, are you ready to redefine how you manage your remote employees with us?

IV. We Have Something Special for You!

As part of our beta launch, we are offering a special deal to our first customers. If you’re ready to take your HR and IT operations to the next level, now is the time to jump on board the ZenAdmin rocketship. 

Sign up today and experience the future of workforce management!

Get a demo today!

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